The main objective of MICS was to obtain nationally representative as well as district-wise data on children and women in terms of sectors related to health and nutrition, water and sanitation, education and protection. The district level data and the divisional data are used for programming purposes and for targeting appropriate interventions, while national level data are used to monitor the situation of children and women in the country.
The MICS sample was a two-stage sample. For 2006 MICS, the first stage sample consists of 9-10 rural ‘Mouzas’ or urban ‘Mahallas’ selected with Probability Proportional to Size (PPS) from each of the 108 domains (64 rural, 23 urban and 13 tribal domains).The households for interviewing will be selected in the second stage, selecting the required number of households from a cluster to yield a total sample of over 68,000 households for the survey.
Mitra and Associates has successfully carried out the following activities: preparation of field data collection and supervision plan; recruitment of field personnel (enumerators, supervisors, quality control staff); preparation of the manual for enumerators, conducting of TOT training; conducting of training of enumerators; photocopying of cluster and household lists; conducting of fieldwork for data collection; holding of enumerators’ feedback meetings; editing and coding of data, and checking of data; entering of data into computer, with double entries; submission of cleaned data set to UNICEF/BBS.
The survey was sponsored and funded by the UNICEF, Dhaka.