The Reaching Out-of-School Children (ROSC) Project phase II, building on ROSC phase I, is one of GOB interventions that has played a key role in providing second chance primary education to out–of-school children in Bangladesh. Project implementation is managed by the ROSC Unit (ROSCU) in the Directorate of Primary Education under the Ministry of Primary and Mass Education. The World Bank provides financial and technical assistance to ROSC II project implementation. Mitra is awarded the project by World Bank.
Project Description: In addition to the main ROSC intervention in rural upazilas, ROSC II project will finance implementation of the following 4 pilot interventions:
To generate a knowledge base to inform the policy makers and development partners on potential scale-ups of these pilots, a rigorous impact evaluation is being planned for each pilot. In each pilot intervention, a share of potential beneficiaries will be randomly selected to receive the intervention earlier (early phase-in) and will be termed as “treatment” group and the remaining expected to receive the intervention in a later phase will be termed as the “control” group. Data will be collected on a sub-sample of both the “control” and “treatment” groups before (baseline survey) and after (endline, follow-up) the intervention. So under this Impact Evaluation Surveys under the ROSC Project phase II in Bangladesh there will be one (1) separate baseline survey and one (1) separate endline survey for each pilot, and hence a total of eight (8) surveys.
Tasks carried out by Mitra and Associates:
Mitra has already conducted three baseline surveys: (i) Urban Slums Baseline Survey, (ii) Child Domestic Workers Baseline Survey and, (iii) Early Grade Reading Baseline Survey with the following responsibilities:
Client reference: The World Bank, 1818 H Street, N. W. Washington, DC 20433, Phone: 202-473-1118, E-mail:, Web: The Authorized Representatives: Mr. Dilip Parajuli, E-mail: and Mr. Uttam Sharma, Email: