The overall purposes of the survey were including the followings:
Sample size: 800 households near the EPZ (“near” households) plus 400 “far” households farther from EPZ (i.e. not within commuting distance). The “near” villages should be within commuting distance (where it is possible for a garment worker to live at home and travel daily to the garment factory). One way to ensure this is to contact several factories and ask which villages the factory buses visit to pick up workers. Then randomly select villages from the set of reported pickup locations. The “far” villages should be in an area that’s otherwise similar to the “near” villages (in terms of wealth, other employment options, social structure), except that it’s not within commuting distance to the EPZ.
Census: In each selected village we first conducted a census to create a list of all baris (compound) in that village. Every bari was visited quickly and asked only a few quick questions:
Mitra and Associates has carried out the following activities:
The survey was sponsored and funded by the University of Colorado, USA.