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Matlab Health and Socio-economic Survey (MHSS, 2012-2015)

This project was designed to study the long-term impacts of the maternal health, family planning and child health project that was introduced into the Matlab Demographic Surveillance area in rural Bangladesh in the late 1970s, a later embankment project to reduce periodic flooding, and a microcredit program also. A multi-purpose data set was collected from a population of Matlab residents and former residents and added to a data set constructed from Matlab historic (HDSS) records. The data is used to explore whether households exposed to each of these interventions and/or combinations of them have received long-term benefits.


Sample size: MHSS2 will follow the primary sample of 2,687 households from the 1996 MHSS1 including all split-off or migrant households residing in Bangladesh and will emphasize areas for which the intervention impacts have been demonstrated or hypothesized on four generations (the oldest and youngest of which effectively were not directly exposed to the MCH/FP intervention).


Mitra and Associates agrees to the following project tasks that include: 


  • In Year 1, the lead on publishing, translation, back translation, editing, and pre-testing of the household and community survey instruments for the second Matlab Health and Socioeconomic Survey (MHSS2)
  • In Years 1 and 2, programmers will design a database linking data from the first Matlab Health and Socioeconomic Survey (MHSS1) and the Matlab Historical Record file provided by ICDDR,B. We will use this database to reconcile individual life history events and social connections between individuals included in MHSS1. The database will also serve as a back end for management, cleaning, and correction of MHSS2 data.
  • In Years 1 and 2, programmers will design a template for Computer Aided Field Entry (CAFÉ) of MHSS2 survey data into the database. We will conduct all lab and field testing of this interface, including checks of data output quality
  • In Years 2 and 3, responsible for all field preparations for MHSS2 household and community surveys, including pre-testing and revision of survey instruments; development of training materials; training and retention of field interview and management staff; development of implementation of field operation plans; production of household survey books with preprinted information for individuals included in MHSS1/MHR; and acquisition of all necessary equipment such as computers for field entry and data management, mobile phones, and human measurement equipment
  • In Years 2 and 3, carry out all fieldwork for the MHSS2 household and community surveys, including interviews, supervision, health assessments, and field entry. We will work closely with CU-Boulder to ensure the highest possible data quality, response rates, and adherence to human subjects protections. Household interviews will include approximately 4,100 interviews in Matlab and about 1,800 with migrants outside of Matlab. We will conduct community and facility interviews in 142 communities in Matlab. 
  • In Years 2, 3, and 4 carry out second levels checks of the data during fieldwork, with real time contact with field workers to correct errors in the field. We will also conduct post field checks to clean data.
  • In Year 4, transfer the raw and cleaned versions of the database with detailed coding and cleaning instructions and questionnaires in English and Bangla to RAND and CU-Boulder.
  • In Year 4, support CU-Boulder in preparation and distribution of the initial MHSS2 report and dissemination of findings.
  • In Years 4 and 5, support CU-Boulder and RAND in the preparation of MHSS2 documentation and questionnaires and preparation of the MHSS2 and Matlab Linked Database public access files.


The survey is undertaken under a contract with the University of Colorado, USA and is funded by NIH, USA.


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