Narrative Description of Project: This project will focus on health services in slums. The objectives are:
- 1. To map current health services and facilities and understand how these are used in Korail slum in Mohakhali, Dhaka.
- 2. To build on these maps to identify costs associated with how health services run in each site including informal providers and the quality of these services as well as identifying costs to the patient and their households.
- 3. To work with decision makers and slum communities in designing the models of health service delivery, with a view to a subsequent evaluation of effectiveness and costs of viable options.
The project is categorized into several work packages such as:
- 1. Geo-spatial mapping of health services in slums (Work Package 1): Work Package 1 will involve creating detailed base maps of the slum locations with all streets and footpaths leading to structures (to know how each structure is accessed from the street network), as well as footprints of all structures. They will be traced from high-resolution optical satellite imagery through digitisation and verified on the ground using paper maps and GPS-enabled devices. Field-workers will visit all structures in Korail slum and assign each one a unique identifier. The enumerated structures and each household living within them with unique identifiers will be used to create a spatially referenced list of households to use as the sampling frame for Work Package 2.
- 2. Household survey of health service use by slum residents (Work Package 2): This work package is directly related to the first two objectives of the overall programme.
- 3. Engaging stakeholders and providing viable options for health service delivery in slums (Work Package 5): This work package will be in two phases. The objective in the first phase will be to understand national and local policy-drivers, questions and concerns of local people (users and providers) relevant to the provision of healthcare and explore the meaning of the mapping and survey results. Phase 2 will be to determine viable models of healthcare.
Description of Actual Services to be Provided by Mitra: Translation and back translation all questionnaires & manuals (Work Packages 1 and 2); Pretesting (Ground truthing and Health care Facility Questionnaire) (Work Package 1); Field work (Ground truthing and Health care Facility Questionnaire) (Work Package 1); Pretesting (Household and Individual Questionnaire) (Work Package 2); Training (Household and Individual Questionnaire) (Work Package 2); Field work (Household and Individual Questionnaire (Work Package 2); Training for FGD/KII Interview (Work Package 5); Field work for FGD/KII Interview (Work Package 5); Transfer data from tablet to Computer and upload data to server at University of Warwick/IUB; and Submission of Qualitative data (report, transcription & translation).
Name of Client: Independent University of Bangladesh (IUB), Plot: 16, Block: B, Aftabuddin Ahmed Road, Bashundhara R/A, Dhaka-1229 and funded by Improving Health in Slums, Global Research Unit, NIHR, UK.